Wedding Bells – Sedona

Well – we did it …. been a busy week but Chip and I got married.

Sedona AZ – Nov 3rd –  weather was amazing, the ceremony spiritual, and yes – I looked like a princess!  

The boys went bike riding – us girls did the spa day – pampered

Ceremony at Sedona Creative Life Center –

Reception at Market Place Cafe – they did a GREAT job  – talk to  Austin

Some pix of our wedding day

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Zion National Park – Sept 2012

The fall colors are just beginning, the weather is perfect and the National Park was awesome as always.

With the Geology team from Irvine Valley College we trudges the paths of the backcountry – a 12 mike hike that began at East Canyon and dropped down to the switchbacks above Dripping Cavern.  We found some slot canyons with enough water to swim in – I love that area….  

Enjoy the pix – next stop, Blythe for some off-roading!

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Sedona – Arizona

Got some bike riding in Sedona this weekend – was pretty humind and hot but if you get out early morning, spectacular!

– Bell Rock Trail was a good one – nice easy trail but had some shoot outs / single track that were FUN

hiking trail map: bell rock, sedona