Let’s try a recipe or 2

Thought I’d share this 2 ingredient recipe

Pumpkin Muffins

I found this on Pinterest and thought I”d share – I’ll be using it in my dutch oven / camping.  This lovely recipe is from the Big Red Kitchen.
There’s only two ingredients. That’s right, just the cake mix and the pumpkin (15 oz.). No oil, no eggs, no water, nothing else. The end result is an amazing, incredibly moist muffin/cupcake with a hint of pumpkin flavor. 
It felt kind of strange not to add any liquids to the mix but it came together nicely into a thick batter.
Bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes. 
Add a dusting of powdered sugar, or better yet some homemade cream cheese frosting for added awesomeness.