Just Married – Nov 2012

Wedding photo uinder the tree
Wedding photo uinder the tree

We had a rockin photographer and had a blast out in the red rocks shooting these pix – thought I’d share them. Sedona is an amazing place if you’ve never been – and quite a place to marry the man of your dreams.


Chip and Barb 2012 DSC_4590 My dress Dressing room Lets do this!

Dressing room
Dressing room

Mikey and Chip Chip Mark and Doreen Chip, Doreen, and Mikey Jeffrey and Mom Aunty Bobbie and Jeffrey Ready to do this Larry and I Larry and I - walkin! DSC_4608 DSC_4609 DSC_4611 DSC_4613 DSC_4614 DSC_4617 DSC_4620 DSC_4621 DSC_4623 DSC_4662 DSC_4624 DSC_4667 DSC_4669 DSC_4696 DSC_4697 DSC_4698 Jamie and Mikey They boys DSC_4713 My handsome husband DSC_4733 DSC_4741 The boys Wedding party DSC_4744 Whoop whoop What an amazing backdrop Just married Just married DSC_4757 DSC_4758 DSC_4764 DSC_4759 DSC_4766 DSC_4767 DSC_4769 DSC_4771 DSC_4779 DSC_4777 DSC_4781 Love this pix - Jamie and Ryan Me and my kids! Chip and Red Family - Mom and Daughter DSC_4789 DSC_4790 DSC_4793 DSC_4794 DSC_4797 DSC_4796 DSC_4804 My handsome husband DSC_4806 DSC_4815 DSC_4817 DSC_4816 DSC_4818 DSC_4824 DSC_4836 DSC_4822 DSC_4837 DSC_4842 DSC_4851 DSC_4848 DSC_4852 DSC_4853 DSC_4855 DSC_4857 DSC_4856 DSC_4858 DSC_4860 DSC_4867 DSC_4866 DSC_4870 DSC_4872 DSC_4876 DSC_4879 DSC_4881 DSC_4878 DSC_4882 DSC_4884 DSC_4885 DSC_4883 DSC_4894 DSC_4898 DSC_4901 DSC_4895 DSC_4903 DSC_4902 DSC_4905 DSC_4906 DSC_4913 DSC_4907 DSC_4915 DSC_4918 DSC_4919 DSC_4921 DSC_4922 DSC_4920 DSC_4927 DSC_4928 DSC_4930 DSC_4933 DSC_4932 DSC_4949 DSC_4969 DSC_4970 DSC_4971

Wedding Bells – Sedona

Well – we did it …. been a busy week but Chip and I got married.

Sedona AZ – Nov 3rd –  weather was amazing, the ceremony spiritual, and yes – I looked like a princess!  

The boys went bike riding – us girls did the spa day – pampered

Ceremony at Sedona Creative Life Center –

Reception at Market Place Cafe – they did a GREAT job  – talk to  Austin www.mpcsedona.com

Some pix of our wedding day

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Sedona – Arizona

Got some bike riding in Sedona this weekend – was pretty humind and hot but if you get out early morning, spectacular!

– Bell Rock Trail was a good one – nice easy trail but had some shoot outs / single track that were FUN


hiking trail map: bell rock, sedona